Contact WACUBO

WACUBO is a professional organization and does not have any employees of its own. Our work is made possible by our volunteers and through administrative support provided by SBI Association Management. SBI serves many other local, national, and international nonprofit associations.

To contact WACUBO, you may write, call or send us an email. When you call the office, any one of the SBI staff will be able to help you.

Western Association of College and University Business Officers

Regular Office Hours: Monday – Friday from 7:30 AM – 4:00 PM (PT)
Toll-Free: (206) 209-5267
Email:  [email protected] *
2150 N. 107th St., Suite 330
Seattle, WA 98133 

 *Please make sure to add our email to your University's safe sender list to avoid our emails from being caught in spam filters or firewalls. 

WACUBO Office Contacts:

Louise S. Miller, MA, CAE, Executive Director
Megan Miller, CMP, VEMM, Director of Events
Kat Thornton, Member Services
Michelle Moser, Director of Marketing and Communications
Andra Kendall, Marketing and Communications Coordinator


Contact the WACUBO office for registration for upcoming events, marketing inquiries, email list subscriptions, changes in contact information, and password reminders.

Board of Directors:

Please email the WACUBO office at [email protected] to get in touch with a Board Member.

Membership Questions:

If you have any questions about membership, contact NACUBO Member Services at (202) 861-2560 or email us at [email protected]