Volunteer with WACUBO

Information | Eligibility | Selection Process

WACUBO is dedicated to the professional development of its members. Beyond attending our Annual Conference, workshops, and Institutes, interested individuals can become involved within the organization itself. We know that many of our members have substantial professional experience and diverse skills. If you're interested in donating your knowledge, time, and leadership skills, please take a moment to read how you can become more involved.

Sign Up To Volunteer

How to Become a Volunteer

How to become a Committee Member?

The greatest quantity and variety of volunteer opportunities occur in service to one or more WACUBO Committees.

  • There are 13 Committees of the Association. These are the committees that provide the best opportunity for beginning and establishing a track record of volunteer service to WACUBO.  
  • There are five Committees of the Board (Audit, Executive, Finance, Nominations, and Site Selection). You must be a member of the Board of Directors to serve on one of these committees. Typically, members have substantial prior experience volunteering for WACUBO.

If you would like to express interest or request information regarding volunteer service, please contact Mike Clune, WACUBO President.

Find a Committee Today!

How to become a Committee Chairperson?
As you might expect, Committee Chairs typically have served on a committee for some time and have demonstrated strong support for the committee's work as well as leadership skills and talents.

How to become a Board Member?
Currently, the Board is comprised of 15 Directors and Officers. The Nominations Committee recommends candidates who are elected during the Annual Meeting, which takes place at each Annual Conference, to serve for 3-year terms, or they are appointed by the President. Typically Board members have substantial prior experience volunteering for WACUBO.

How to become a Board Officer?
Four Officers of the Board (President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, and Secretary) are elected by the membership during the Annual Meeting (held during the Annual Conference) based on nominations either from the Nominations Committee or from members. One officer, the Treasurer, is appointed by action of the Board of Directors. Usually, each of these officers has demonstrated significant leadership for WACUBO in service to various committees over time.


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Volunteer Eligibility

To be eligible to serve on a WACUBO Committee you must work as a management or financial officer at a WACUBO member institution. See WACUBO Bylaws here for more information.   

For general expectations of a Committee Chairperson and Committee Member, see WACUBO Leadership Manual here for more information. 


  • Availability. The volunteer is in a professional position and a personal situation that will allow her or him to provide the hours that a specific WACUBO position will require.
  • The home institution supports the individual's volunteering, and, if the WACUBO position requires it, supports WACUBO as well with commitments of resources and staff.  WACUBO is an all-volunteer organization. Everything we do is accomplished through gifts of time, talent, and resources.  Some WACUBO positions require modest amounts of time (for example, serving as a volunteer at the Annual Conference to help participants register), whereas others require substantial amounts of time and institutional support (for example, Host Committee Chair for the Annual Conference). Whatever their WACUBO position may be, we seek confirmation that the home institution supports our volunteer.
  • History of keeping commitments. WACUBO seeks to understand that the volunteer has a record of following through. WACUBO's work is sufficiently demanding that there is seldom time for a "do-over" in the recruitment and selection of volunteers.
  • Commitment to WACUBO. WACUBO has a clear mission and current volunteers demonstrate their personal commitment through their contributions of time and talent.  We seek volunteers who know and support our mission. We follow our volunteers' WACUBO service histories as a way to demonstrate the capacity for increasingly higher positions in our organization.
  • Experience with similar volunteer organizations. WACUBO is not an exclusive club. We recognize and value a history of service to NACUBO, the other ACUBO regions, and other associations committed to higher education.
  • Willingness to contribute to the long-range future of higher education from a personal development perspective. Does the volunteer have a commitment to their own personal development as an investment in the future of higher education? Do they have a history of leading innovation at the institutional level? Do they have a history of participating in professional development opportunities, possibly as a leader or presenter, in areas that address our collective future?
  • Has an independent vision for business officer professional development. Has the volunteer reflected on the role of the business officer to the degree that they have developed their own thoughtful ideas about what members of our profession need from contemporary professional development programs?
  • Does the career path show a foundation of knowledge? Has the volunteer served in various professional capacities that help them establish a foundation of deep experiential understanding of the range of complex issues that WACUBO seeks to help its members address?
  • Has leadership skills demonstrated by career path and volunteer history. 
  • Ability to collaborate. As an all-volunteer organization, we place a premium on collegiality. We seek volunteers who can collaborate—who show respect for the ideas of others, who disagree respectfully and through constructive engagement, and who, once a group makes a decision, support the outcome gracefully.

Selection Process

WACUBO's volunteer selection process is managed by the First Vice President who serves as the Volunteer Engagement Coordinator (VEC). WACUBO values inclusiveness and seeks a balance of diverse volunteers with respect to gender, ethnicity, institutional type, and business officer roles and responsibilities.

To indicate interest in serving on a committee, please review the available WACUBO committees and then fill out the volunteer form. Additionally, once a year the VEC invites members to let us know of their interest by means of a region-wide email.

A few weeks after receiving the information from your completed form, you will be contacted directly via phone or email. The purpose of direct contact is to help better match your skills and interests with service opportunities. If there is not an immediately available match between new volunteers and service opportunities the VEC will maintain your information and make every effort to put your time and talents to work for WACUBO. The VEC will be back in contact after connecting with Committee Chairs and assessing all the needs.

Thank you for your interest in joining WACUBO.

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